Presentation of Kali Linux and Black Arch Linux

Presentation of Kali Linux and Black Arch Linux

Hello everyone, how are you today? Today I’m going to present you Kali Linux and Black Arch Linux in this blog post.

You will easily find information to download the two best Linux distributions dedicated to computer security.


What is Kali Linux

Kali Linux is a GNU/Linux distribution released on March 13, 2013, based on Debian. The distribution has taken over from BackTrack. The objective of Kali Linux is to present a distribution that brings together various tools needed for security testing of an information system, such as penetration testing.

Since version 2016. 2, Kali Linux is available pre-installed with a large number of desktop environments. These include: GNOME, KDE, LXDE, MATE, Enlightenment and Xfce, which is preferred when downloading.

How to install Kali Linux?

Kali Linux is a distribution that can be easily installed on a PC. However, if you want to try it without upsetting your environment, it is also possible to start running the device with a live CD or virtualization with snapshots in VirtuaBox and VMware formats. The distribution can be downloaded in different flavors. Thus, it implements both 32 and 64 bits, as well as several ARM platforms.

This allows it to be used with on-board computers such as Raspberry Pi platforms and other affordable ones about which it can run.


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What is BlacK Arch Linux

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BlackArch is a dedicated Arch Linux based cybersecurity distribution. This distribution targets experienced users and has been designed specifically for cybersecurity researchers. BlackArch offers nearly 2550 tools for cybersecurity.

In addition to cybersecurity tools, BlackArch provides some installation and pre-configuration software (for Vim for example) on its GitHub store. BlackArch Linux is the most comprehensive specialized hacking arrangement that can be determined on the internet. This distribution has more than 2400 tools delivered and configured by default to better cope with the needs of any user.

Moreover, being based on Arch Linux, it is a very personalized and durable distribution that consumes very few resources.

Of course, its use presents all the troubles that any other Arch-based distribution presents, that is, it is not as simple as Ubuntu, it requires a certain level of Linux skills. Taking advantage of the arrival of the new year, those responsible for this specialized hacking distribution have just informed the launch of the remake of BlackArch, 2020.

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